Check user name Availability Using and Jquery
How to Check user name Availability Using ,Jquery and Json ?
This Application is used to check the user name availability Asynchronously and without affect the page postback . It is done by using the little help of jquery to post the data on Change event to another page.In that page checking the username checking functionality and finally return the confirmation message.
This functionality id really helpful for user registration page.I provide the sample in a easy manner and i hope this is helpful to your development ...............
Find and count the no words using Generic Collections Dictionary
Find the no of word occurences
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
class CountWords
public void get()
string words = "The C# is Very Cool! The Best";
string[] splitWords=words.Split(' ');
foreach (string str in splitWords)
if (dic.ContainsKey(str))
dic[str] = dic[str] + 1;
dic.Add(str, 1);
foreach (KeyValuePair
Console.WriteLine(var.Key + ":" + var.Value);
static void Main()
CountWords obj = new CountWords();
How to create Autocomplete textbox using and Jquery
Auto Complete TextBox Jquery,Json,
what is Autocomplete ?
A feature that suggests text automatically based on the first few characters that a user types
I'm googling for autocomplete using Jquery and .finally i got a nice article regarding this but the example is provided in php .Then after sometime i migrated the code into with Generic handler and with the help of jquery and json .. This will make a asynchronous call to the server side, with no post back